Friday, December 25, 2009
It sux...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
But now, im waiting 4 all the buddies cos they havnt come yet...
Meanwhile i kept losing my friends in Dota, WTH...
Then i go fb check check...
also nothing...*sigh*
But i was lucky to meet my old buddies again(:
Got a million topics to chat abt, esp abt the suxing education system n the economic crisis...
Lucky i slept in the afternoon, or not i sure cannot make it till midnight...
But luck is not on our side; this is our last meeting le...
Aft that, we will not meet each other again...T_T
But i just wan to say thx u buddies 4 helping me through my troubled years(:
N hope our wishes will come true...
Monday, December 21, 2009
SS lsn...zzz(1)
My social studies supposedly to teach us SS today did not come...
N his reason: Backache...
Very 'pro' excuse...
Cmon, i hope to laugh more(:
Plus Im happy all of us got released b4 11am...(smile)
can slack outside sch with friends alr(:
The lsn: super boring...
sit there look look stare stare...zzz
Just tink of the time wasted...
Monday, December 14, 2009
My cousin wedding...
but i drank a drop too much, then kenna headache, wat luck...
i went to msia again this time, to attend a wedding
might as well hav a meet-up with my relatives...
1 year has passed...
Most of my cousins had started to work...
Some work as a teachers, while some work in rubber plantations...
But nevertheless, we still r united tgt(:
The wedding was nice, but i hav no idea how to describe though...
Normally i can take in beer without any after-effects(:
But this time diff...
They presented wine, which i thought i can take in just as easy...
instead I felt a long headache after the wedding party...
just my luck...
Warning: Dont drink alcohol when u have good mood, its going to make u down n emo...
Drink alcohol if u cant control ur emotional sadness(not anger though), though i dont advise u to do that...
Friday, December 4, 2009
Fight with bro over alot of things nowadays, esp computer...
Then kenna scolded by my parnts 4 slacking around too much...
Later my friends also turned against me...
My fault 4 being offensive these days...
Im trying hard to stick to the plans that i had made...
In the end I feel like throwing all the books down the building...
feel like beating someone up, or even finish them off...
I just want to sleep, maybe 4 eternal...
Or even burst myself into thin air...
But i noe, its still my fault that i offended u all...
will try to suppress my anger, k?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
2012 :):
The storyline was very shiok...(:
But i regret going there myself...
cant share any good moments with anyone there...):
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Song 4 today
Open house 2009
Of cos, as npcc cadets, they will nv fail to ask me to do road marshal duty...
so I got everything ready by morning n off i go, to sch...
But i tink i shldnt hav come...
I started duty on 1230
Hot day indeed, but i continued to stand there, with my cadets...
Then 1320 the leaders called us to go inside sch to rest...
During the rest, i walked around the sch, esp the library, where i drank chinese tea...
The scent must be very nice, but i cant smell anything due to my blocked nose...
The librarians taught me how to pour n drink tea...
It really brings back memories, when my father also taught me how to serve tea...
So chit chat there until 1420, when we slacked around the sch again...
n finally the leaders told us to pack up...The whole duty ends at 1500...
n i got 4 hrs CIP points, when i only work abt 1 hr(:
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Looking into the future...
Tomoro, a brand new adventure, to vietnam...
N the days passed very quickly...
I didnt study much, nor did i play as much...
My days r suddenly shortened a lot, seems like i cant do a lot of things...
Whenever i play, i dont enjoy them...
But i like NCO camp; I enjoyed the games(:
But something terribly wrong happened after the camp ended...
I felt seperated from my friends, standing on my own...
They stopped doing their usual things...
I always depend on them, but its abt time to act on my own...
Just like last two years...
Sec 3(2009) has been a bless to me, though i still dont get wat i really wanted...
Nothing is going with my way forever...
but who cares??? Its not like i nv experienced it b4...
The dark age r gone n is back, just face it...
Im either waiting 4 2012 to sweep me to heaven, or just fight on...
I will work hard n live my life til then...
When 21 December 2012 comes, i will let heaven decides my fate...
N i will create my part of the story b4 it ends...
Monday, November 16, 2009
NCO camp!
I will always rmb how we assist them during the camp...
N i enjoyed it, alot...
I love the time that I spent with the sec2 cadets...
N its abt time i stepped down to let the youngsters shine...
Overall, the camp is:
fun, i hope the cadets enjoyed the fun..
Tiring, i still wan to sleep after a 12 hrs sleep...
n photos to tell u all more abt the camp...
the last day: prize presentation...
Outsatnding cadet(1):Jia Jun(: ps this is really dark...
Outstanding cadet(3): Agnes aka the angel(:
Joker of the camp: Julian(: wat a nice posexD
The last prize goes to Johnson, but my sux hp auto-restart at that time...srry...
N my hp camera really sux... shld hav bought a digital cam...
N hence, the camp ends well, n most of all, we noe each other more(:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I wan to KILL!!!
still nid to return to school...
they gave us even more things to do...
Ya... I have chosen this path, so i must bear with it...
No choice rite??? I hope im not regretting my final choice...
So finally I got my PSP back, thanks to the number of days my bro keep fighting my mama to hand back the confiscated items, while im at sch studying...
N when i came back from sch, my mood went sian to see their bleak expressions..
My mood always changes b4 going to sch...
I hate sch, because i dont really like sitting in classroom
Studying just to hav a better future...
I like sch, place where i can learn more things outside...
n with alot of friends(:
i always look forward to meeting the sec2s in my cca...
Its because of them i want to attend cca, or not i wil nv attend cca...
so sec2s, better dont pon cca... n the NCO Camp too
My holiday so cramped i dont noe when to start doing my revision n hw...
maybe after the vietnam trip...
n i hope to get a study group as soon as possible...
i wan to recap on everything!!!
Thanks to sch life, im so busy now...
But without sch life, i might as well die; life wil be so boring...
I no longer want to slack alr, but when do i start?
NCO camp is just two days away... I hope the sec2s will attend the camp, or not i hav no purpose of going there... n i must start packing le...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My STC camp...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
To the fans of Shining Force EXA...
Note: This video has the MV+Shining Force EXA gameplay
Oh... y is chem so difficult???
The first ws is very easy, cos its 4 the weak ones...
but 4 the 2nd ws, i started to wonder around...
propanoic acid??? is it related to propane?
methanoic acid??? is it related to methane?
then still got superoxide??? OMG...
though i noe the answers to a few of them, but there r so MUCH things that i dont noe...
n mole concept??? 50% of my calculations r always wrong, even though i use the rite methods...
(or is it somewhere wrong???)
I must crush chem like hell, to show myself that nothing is impossible!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time to choose my future...
kept watching anime, until i finished the whole series...
that's when i found out im just being stupid...
tinking abt it now, or later... they r the same...
im just running away from it...
now im tinking abt it, i wondered if i really can come to a conclusion...
If i continued with my pures, my life in the future will be unsteady, even to the point of dropping down, back to square one...
But the good is, I will be offered with a higher salary, but is this wat i really wan???
If i combined them now, I dont nid to work so hard...
But the bad is, my future can nv be as good as ever... i can see it...
Either ways hav its advantages n disadvantages...
"OK.... so im gambling on my future???"
"ya... Its time to move on, leaving the past n accepting the future..."
Friday, October 23, 2009
made a wrong decision...
even though i may be going 4 the cambodia trip, i feel that im going there halfheartedly...
But i tink im really going there halfheartedly in the future...
on may, mr lee gave me the form 4 the 15 days cambodia trip. that time, i didnt pass it to the parents cos i dont wan my parents to noe...
but i can nv hide it 4 too long when he called up my parents if they were interested to send me 4 the trip...
n u noe wat, im still tinking if i wan to tell them abt it, if i tell them, then im sure i wan to go...
but i didnt tell them, that means i dont wan to go...
but when my parents noe abt it, they keep telling me to go, as i can learn a lot during the trip...
finally, i gave in, aft my father encouraged me to go...(my father nv fail to control my actions...)
then i dont noe why, but i suddenly feel like going...(must like my mind acting weird again)
then i attend the meetings, though i sometimes look perplexed during the times...
then now, i got my results back, n decided that i nid more time to buck up...
so i noe that the trip will take away most of my time...
i nid time, plus the truth is...
Im not very interested in going 4 15 days...
BUT i decided to quit, then the rest wil quit with me, then in the end, the trip will be cancelled...
Now wat u all think i shld do??? pls tag ur advices on the tagboard. Thx...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
but if u dont noe, nvm...
so today, things changed 4 the better, but still far from good...
so finally, i get back to sch...
lessons as usual, but some friends surprised me 0_0
then i got even more surprised that those that i nv tell them, they also noe 0_0
oh, kns, didnt i tell u not to tell the others unless they find it out themselves or i tell them???
cos i nv expect ppl to celebrate 4 me... since my class nv do that...): since i last celebrate abt it in pri 1...
then here comes the assembly, even though its ok, but i tink staying in class may be a better idea, cos its so noisy...
but i laughed a lot, esp when mr suki dance(:
so boring life continues until i meet with my classmates which i burst into laughter, almost to the standard of rofl(real case)...
suddenly i recovered from my sadness... dont noe why, but i feel much better now...
though i believed that they must be surprised by it...
KNS(21 oct)
n u noe wat, i wasted time by myself at lot 1; going to library then slack around the shopping centre... luckily i saw some of my classmates n CCA friends then kinda tell for a while...
around 5pm, i decided to go home n get ready to cycle with my friends, which they say they nv got time then i hav to cycle myself...wat luck...
so cycle to CCK then to Bukit Gombak then return home... it was torturous, u noe... i hav to bear with it,or not my evening i will be staring at nothingness...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy that exams' over...(thurs)
1st thing i do is to hav some delicious lunch(:, but in the end, i didnt hav a good lunch...
Cos the exam spoiled my mood alr...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
im tolerating with my family...
Today i looked forward to meeting my study group when my friend tell me that today's session is cancelled....
cause my day to be totally off-balanced le...
morning as usual, i go 4 tuition(a-math)
kinda like chit chat there with the sec 4s, very nice to talk to them as they complain abt 'O' level n their parents nagging at them, just like how my parents do to my bro....
Then reach home, i go play my fb acc as well as chit chat with my on9 friends(:
they r always so nice to me, though they sometimes dont reply me...):
all the nice things r gone after that...
To summarise everything, my bro qurrelling three times with parents... then i go sleep to avoid hearing so much noise...
now he still interfere with wat i wan to write sia...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Just another thing...
haha, manage to finish all, but i tink i fail my paper 1 alr... cos anyhow do mah...
got finish, but whether i pass or not is another thing... my eng so lian i hoped i can write as well as how low kay hwa write his romantic novels...
spend 55mins on 1st 3 sbq??? then chiong the rest in the end only halfly done...
1d confirm wrong alr): then i think the 2 eassy qns also sux in it...
Finally my phy:
OMG, paper 2 looks easily on the front but then when i work deeper into it, i was... SO DIFFICULT): then my paper 1... I guessed the ans for at most 10 qns, out of the 40 qns in total...
Finally, back to my favourite pastimes...
but now i realised that i lost my past, just like how some ppl forgot their traditions...
But sec 3 has always be a special year for me... im always happy to leave the 2E horrible class...n meet with more ppl in my new class(:
but still, i nv realised my past until i meet my best n also my old friends, thats when i found that i have gained a lot of happy memories...
i took up new hobbies, or some r those that i did b4, exp is cycling...
but i found a special remedy for my empty heart which is rarely filled by my parents: reading romantic novels...
Last time, i always read the whole story, but now i read halfway, then wait a while b4 i read the other half...
When i tink of how the stories ends, my mind went wild in terms of imagination
Now, i feel very excited to finish some more of those novels...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
So late...
i abt to shut down my com when i decided to write this...
today i only free from 7pm onwards(hw havnt do yet...)
so watch tv n play com until 10pm then start doing my hw...
so work work work to now(0215am...)
OMG... i tink i tomoro may not wake up... but still hav to do a lot of things today so tomoro dont nid do so much...
But aft doing my stuff until so late, i realised still got a lot more to do, so i decided to go to sleep now...Nites(:
Friday, September 25, 2009
But one day, i suddenly realised when im not tinking much, i can chiong my revision much better than b4... Since then, i told myself that i must not worry too much, so as not to waste time worrying... I told myself that any other problems i will only face them in future, so i was angry when was told that i nid to go CCA... I decided to take the chances to scold the sec1 cadets abt their beahaviour, meanwhile im just releasing my anger... i became short-tempered these days. but luckily i nv show them in front of my friends...So i must chiong my revision, for the sake of passing my exams n eventually getting the distinctions needed(:
Note:Nadira, i hoped u can find some solutions from ur own problems(:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So cool...
but i must preserve, no matter wat, to get to my wanted future...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Burning with strength...
But for some ppl, we will always be finding sth to fill up our burning passion, as if it is placed somewhere else... meanwhile, we will be walking around, maybe forever, finding the hope that may not exist at all... or we just live as zombies...
But no worries, we live in this to find the things that we looked forward to, n that's what that will fill up my soul... burning passion from our hearts, even though we r burning from nothingness...

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
WAT??? why r u all gathering???
but yesterday's dream very special 1...
cos i see the old man again...
this time i was shocked abt the ppl that he bring along...
he brought ppl like zhenghao, wendy, etc
OMG, 1st time the old man who gives advices in my dreams bring ppl
then everyone talk...
wth, morning i still rmb the sentences
then now i 4got alr...
that why i morning got nothing to say, cos i still wondering wat to do abt those words that they said...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
CCA again...
im going to hate my chers for calling only some of us to bring uni...
then the rest leh, pt-kit...
i tell myself, i wan pon... in the end leh, cos all friends nv pon, so i hav to go lor, physically though
My spirit will float around singapore until the end 0_0
omg, why nid bring uni again??? i hate this cca, but will still work hard until the end...(:
so dont worry, i will try not to pon lor... but if given the large amt of time aft friday's schooling, i can do almost everything... i hav to tink tink tink...*sigh*
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
wan to die alr...

-classroom got new 'camera'...
-after sch i called to stay back
-they kept making fun of me...
-my tuition postponed
-go home still nid do all the housework...(who ask my mama go out...)
-my bro nagging to take over com again, of cos more chaotic cos no mama to stop us...
-oh, n the list goes on...
but i still noe that these must happen sooner or damn unlucky day...zzz
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
song for today:Toki wo Kizamu Uta
ochite iku suna dokei bakari miteru yosakasama ni sureba hora mata hajimaru yokizanda dake susumu jikan niitsuka boku mo haireru kana
kimi dake ga sugisatta saka no tochuu haatataka na hidamari ga ikutsu mo dekitetaboku hitori ga koko de yasashiiatataka sa wo omoi kaeshiteru
kimi dake wo kimi dake wosuki de ita yokaze de me ga nijindetooku naru yo
itsumademo oboeterunanimo kamo kawattemohitotsu dake hitotsu dakearifureta mono dakedomisete yaru kagayaki ni michita sono hitotsu dakeitsumademo itsumademo mamotte iku
hada samui hi ga tsudzuku mou haru nanonimesamashi dokei yori hayaku okita asasaninbun no asa gohan wo tsukuru kimi gasoko ni tatte iru
kimi dake ga kimi dake gasoba ni inai yokinou made sugu soba de boku wo miteta yo
kimi dake wo kimi dake wosuki de ita yokimi dake to kimi dake toutau uta dayoboku tachi no boku tachi nokizanda toki dayokatahou dake tsudzuku nanteboku ha iyada yo
itsumade mo oboeterukono machi ga kawattemodore dake no kanashimi to deau koto ni nattemomisete yaru honto ha tsuyokatta toki no kotosaa iku yo arukidasu saka no michi wo
Translation in English:
I just stared at the falling sand in the hourglass.If I were to flip it…it’ll start all over again.In this time that just passes through…I wonder if I too can enter it.
In that hill you just passed by during your way home,plenty of sunny spots have appeared.Here, tenderly, I alonereminisce these warm feelings.
Just you…it’s only youwho I loved.My eyes, watery from the wind,makes you more distant…
I’ll always remembereven if everything were to change.Just one, just onemundane thing…but I’ll show you, this one thing full of radiance,I’ll always and forever protect it.
These cold days continue…even though it’s spring already.In the morning I wake up earlier than the alarm clock,you stand there, making breakfastfor three.
Just you…it’s only youwho isn’t next to me.Until yesterday, you were there next to me…looking at me.
Just you…it’s only youwho I loved.For you…just for youI’ll sing this song.It’s our…our ownpassing time.Continuing to be alone…I don’t want that.
I’ll always remember,even if this town were to change.No matter how much sadness I meet,I’ll show you, the time when I was truly strong.Here I go, I walk to that hill.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
One day b4 term 4 starts...
The holiday was ok, except with a few irritating days which i hav to return to sch n the stupid hws!!!
the stack of hw... n then got more lessons...
but i found a lot of ans during the holidays...
i found my goals, short term targets n then my past...
at first i not happy with my ans to the past, but by looking at my friends now, i decided to focus on the future, as well as to remember the past well, cos they r my standing blocks, no matter wat the past is...
last time im lost in everything, now i found something that i wan to hav, n that's my purpose(:
even though it may be new to me, but at least it allows me to a path...
Floating around the present world is not enough, we must move on, to the future, to the future self!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
9 is so shoo!
even though the title a little weird, but i like the show...
the storyline quite nice, but the ending leave me with a lot of ???
n then i come home at 10pm n my mama nv scold me...
then ask papa if can use com until midnight he agreed...
i was shocked, happy but i tink that they r just going to break the promise anyway...
or is it that they decided to change or...(i dont feel like saying this...)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Why i hav to do these???
so today i gonna write a lot of the ****ing things i wan to say...
1st, my chao parents. U tink u can buy me by bringing me out n hav fun, as well as offering me repair 4 my phone? wishful tinking, i only wan to be alone, not to be disturbed by u two... even though i hav to thank them 4 helping to repair my phone, but i hav that feeling they r trying to buy my trust back... n DONT FIGHT EVERYDAY, IM TIRED OF IT... i feel like running out of the house, but i continued to bear, cos i nid to be patient, as the saying goes, 'ten years is still enough to hav revenge'.
2nd, HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL U TO STOP FIGHTING WITH MAMA OVER COMPUTER??? i can leave u to die, cos i also dont care abt u alr... wat i wan is u to SHUT UP, U BASTARD!!!
3rd, i thank u for this msg:
"Letting go is painful, but not letting go is more painful.
Controlling your anger hurts you, but not controlling your anger hurts others.
Forgiving is forgetting, and forgetting is forgiving."
at least i stop scolding this 4 once... but can u tell me wat i shld do??? i dont dare to hurt the loved ones, nor can i forget or let go of the hatred...T_T
i wan to cry alr... even though i will still be hoping...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
So cramped up...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Anime: Clannad
enough abt the emo thingy, i watch this aft my friend introduced to me a long time ago...):
starting from today i kinda chiong 6 episodes until now...
i love the anime, even though the animation a little old-fashioned...
it's like looking back into the past...(:
haha, nowadays most of the new animes r more for the females, so hav to adapt lor...
dont like to watch anime like bleach, cos they only fight n fight, no fun to keep watching it...
whatever, i tink the anime got only 25 episodes then i move to toradora again(cos i only watch 1 episode of toradora b4 )
Where am I running towards to???
can someone guide me back to the path???
Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy teachers day...
then come to sch later than thought, lucky not late...
then 1st lsn used up the energy...):
lucky nxt lsn Mr Liu nv come, but cannot see his inspiring sunwalk...
phy lsn i almost sleep le...
then the celebration comes(:
bad thing is: i almost sleep again...
but then when hear yufeng sing i suddenly high... how this happened i dont noe...
aft sch go back to pri sch but no chers left then go bbp with my friends...
wat a nice day...
now i feel like being afloat on a ocean with no land nearby
now, i always hav to act out my normal self in front of the ppl, while hiding my true self behind...
cos i still wan life to continue n i wan ppl to be happy...
life cannot stop cos of every1, we must work on, till the time comes
can some1 comfort me??? i tink i nid conselling someday...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
wow!!! gi joe is so interesting!!!
n got our results...wth got B4 only...
that spoiled my mood partially 4 the day...
so l8r go lot 1 though my friends there alr...
then they say they still at sch...
so go NTUC buy sth n then to library to borrow books...
when they came, buy the tickets then go into cinema...
yes!!! the show damn exciting, but i tink transformers still better...
then chit chat until quite late then go home...
my brain is tired now... chao
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
overall tests (CT2)
so lets talk abt the papers...
1st, the topic for writing eng paper is not easy...
tried to put in some new words, but remain the normally way 4 writing...
next, chinese proved to be easier than i thought...hahas
then, Amath n Emath proves to be easy as usual, except i leave blanks behind... 1st time to do that...
after that, hist n ss r quite difficult cos i dont like doing it, only like the lessons...hahas
finally, the triple sci r quite a problem to me, especially chem paper today, which is a killer paper...zzz
the other two r difficult, but i can still handle...
from here, i realise that i shldnt be slacking around n must get to study as soon as possible...
no matter how much problems there is, i hav to iron this out 1st...even at the cost of one's emotions...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Totally wear out...
plus hav to revise n look aft my bro at the same time...
afternoon playing com as usual... lazy me...
then at nite i do all the chores then my bro turn to play lol...
9pm finish all the chores then go to revise- thats so late...
n then sms while studying... all friends asleep by 11pm then only i n my bro still awake
then called my bro to go sleep then he say wan take the chance to play more...wth
so continue studying n then finish hw till late still dont feel asleep...
my bro still playing, so i forced him to go to sleep... then i sleep too, at 0230zzz
then 0630 wake up, wth, gonna be late 4 sch... so prepare quickly n then head out...
lucky reached sch earlier than thought...
so today phy test-average, but then sometime forgot formulae n then forgot transfer to another units...
so tired aft recess that i slept through half of chem lesson...zzz omg, my 1st time sleep in class...
for bio test-difficult, nv concentrate much on it yesterday, thats why...hahas
aft sch, go eat at long john with my cca friends...
then i n hongwei go library study a-maths...
that's all... l8r then studyzzz
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Very tired...
nite time, study halfway too exhausted, then watch tv until i realise it's 11.30pm then go to sleep...
ok... tomoro is the start of 5 days continuous CT2):, so hang in there, cos its only 5 days(:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Eng test...
1st 5 mins, stare at the paper... ideas flowing all over my brain...
nxt 15 mins, planning... ohoh, 20 mins gone... must faster write...
nxt 35 mins, write lor...
last 5 mins, chiong!!! must finish last 2 para
Yes!!! i just be able to finish when time's up...
must hav contain alot of
nvm... still got a lot more sub to go, so jiayous!!!
Ganbatte, everyone... (Ganbatte=work hard)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
My sch parade...
Mr Leong come tell me stay back 4 parade practice, that means got only 1 day to practice...zzz
then at class my mind not focused, i swearing in my mind...
swearing that i gonna mesh him to pieces...
of cos i dont hav the heart to do this...(too tired to brother abt it)
so aft sch, practice time... with most of pupils there from my class(:
but then practice kept making mistakes, then cher say my drill nids polishing...
nxt, brushing up our drills...
turban guy come insult our drills...
he tink his drills so gd. to me, its the opposite
marching with his oversized tummy, looked ugly...
kinda like laughing at him...):
then his commands very unclear say i dense...
i bear the lecturing... w8, w8, till nxt time...
ok, end of day...
zzz...parade day...
i messed up the event...
i tink u all noe why...(if dont noe, ask me)
the tour very nice, except with my stuffy uni...
ok gtg write next time... bye
Friday, July 31, 2009
today's training...zzz
so morning normal lesson + write crap 4 writing...zzz
write abt wat events in sch i remembered most
so write abt the malacca trip, Animal Farm the musical, then dont noe wat i write alr...
everyday's lessons equally boring
except when i sat nxt to my friends, so can talk, but then must study, cos CT2 is near...zzz
then aft sch, YES!!!! BPP, here i come
went there eat long john
but then zhenghao n yufeng abandoned us-decided to go to McD
so eat happily then go back cos of cca...
CCA!!! i suddenly dont what happened
Shouted at the cadets... when yesterday just coughed alot...
look like i failed...
but then i go there to get CCA points + make friends
hack care wat CI, HO, TO talk cork abt...
but then nid bulk up, or not fail sgt test then i=sec 2 ranking liao...zzz
stand n walk till my poor legs cannot accept the pressure...
walao, still got hw to do...zzz
ok then, Ganbatte...
Monday, July 27, 2009
The five law of Humans in ice age...
2) We do the 'thing' because then the species can live on
3) We live in caves and tents, cause we need a place to do the 'thing'
4) We are strong yet stupid so that women look at us they feel very safe with us so can do the 'thing'
5) We wear little or no clothes so that we dont need to waste much time to take out clothes so can use more time to do that 'thing'
lol, my friend sent me this, so put up here lor...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
wwat thing to do?

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pictures fotr the 2nd last blog...
Monday, July 6, 2009
then do bad things till my parents almost cant forgive me...
that was when i felt that i cant make it...
my hearts remained locked in darkness till that girl came...
she guided me along the ways...
pri 5-6:My turn to help...
so this time she got into deep trouble... with my rotten friends!!!
but at that time, i leave my rotten friends to join the fun with my new friends...
ya... i hav to please them to get her out... that's the first time i did that for her...
but then PSLE came n then we got separated... so sad... i wish she can come to the same sch as me...
but then i knew that hope will be on my side... ya... up to now, it looks like that will not happened... its just another dream...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How is Earth created?
In science, i starts by a electon n neutron then continue to divide till big enough to form the Earth(if im not wrong..., or i shld say it just happen lidat)
The voluteer say that Earth is formed by God, just like buildings r formed by humans.... cause god r more clever than humans, hence can create more complex structure like Earth...
For me, i believe Earth is created by the combination of chance n black holeeverything that goes in with come out, just like black hole... so i tink it comes out of the other side ba... but why dont it come out of the other black holes? so chance comes in... but then i hav to believe science...):
Thursday, July 2, 2009
1st wk of sch...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
school is starting tomoro, so i start counting the no of hw undone...
actually my holiday packed, so less free time...
out of the free time, most of them r 4 playing com
so only little time left, took out some for revision
n so... tiny tiny bit of time left... hw? nv
only do a bit... maybe 1st wk try chiong finish hw then pass to teachers...
btw, i believe tomoro is a better day, so dont u worry abt it...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Didnt stay long there...(cause he play with his com too much) so reached home at 2pm theen play com n finally write here.
I tink aft this i go cycling, but where?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Finally back from my trip...
Yong peng, still in m'sia
Friday, June 12, 2009
Suddenly, my friends called me at 9pm ask me to meet them at bk 170, so i ask from parents(i shldnt have done that), but surprisingly, my parents, exhausted from scolding my bro, decided to let me off...
Meet my friends there, then go nearby park walk around till 11pm. Too bored to continue walking so decided to slack around the bks.... we talk abt a lot of topics, at least this may be the only time we r together... abt 2am, decided to go Zhenghua Park and play the devils; make a lot of noise and then play childish games(catching, 4 example). so play then 5am decided to leave them alone n go home to sleep, cause quite tired....
Morning i wake up and ans my mother that i reached home at 1am...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
oh i c why...
1) When we wake up early for a long time(exp: to go to sch), our biological clock will adapt to the new time and so during the holidays, we will wake up at the set time.
2) pple think of things that they nid to do in the future, so will think of it when they sleep so wake up early cause of stress or distraction.(or in short, it is caused by stress)
There are some more reasons, but i have no more time now, cause nid chiong hw... byees(:
Friday, June 5, 2009
My first semester results
CH SS+Hist-C6
*sigh* my results so lan... But I will make sure that this kind of results will nv be shown again...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My 1st shooting competition(NPCC)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
wat the... another unlucky day...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thinking very hard...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
gotta my new sitting arrangement...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
tired... but happy(:
i w8 and w8 and w8 till my friend Ahphia come then talk to her while running through some documents. muilttask for quite a long time. Opps... I nid go watch boys over flowers liao le. Bye Bye...
Friday, May 15, 2009
MYE finally over...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Quite tired...exams sux
yesterday like midnight then sleep lo... then morning wake up no energy... i kinda overestimate the difficulty so i study till so late.... Now i kinda revising bio n Amaths...n emoing now
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Almost the end...
-omg!!! i prepared everything b4 exam come n i forget the things the day b4 MYE... Then chiong till 11pm(actually wan chiong till 2am, but then give up)
-History n Elementary math MYE over...did very badly. At nite, i think of how to improve n kept blaming myself for the events that happens today until 12 mid then sleep...(but i fine now)
-I kept asking lots of qns during A-math tuition
-Lucky no Eng tuition(even if there is, i will not attend it)
- wan think of a gift for mama, but then i continued study and forgot abt it (silly me...)
-Mothers' Day, yet i have my normal life; very sian...
-Then dont where can a volunteer tell me abt Jesus Chirst n God. I wan ask her to **** off but then listen to wat she had to say for abt 20mins.(i dont believe in god, cause god gave me nothing but trouble)
-Wan to emo in MSN but everyone busy...
-Here i am...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Haha i am going to love these...
but some more exams coming, but nvm, i just work hard till exam over. bythen, more work will be coming my way... but i can start to play lo...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 eng sux
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Woof!Dog show!
Wat the...Exam's coming
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Changed my blogskin again...
Opps..., tomoro got english oral,so good luck for every sec 3 students. See ya!
Monday, April 13, 2009
I want changed my blogskin + method of writing
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Downloding music...(Edited on 10/4/09)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How Malaysia took part in Earth Day...
I went to Malaysia at Earth Day. That trip was to KL for certain reasons. So I reached a town called Jeram(if i am not wrong). It is a small town 30min form Klang. The picture at the right, this is how they took part in Earth Day at 8.30pm. No light except a few and streetlights(of course la). Those lights there r streetlights and some pple selling stuff, etc. I wonder how Singapore took part in this event. If a small town in Malaysia can do it, so can Singapore do it(I doubt). Nvm... Actually, at 9.30pm, when we switched on the lights, it didnt work(blackout for next 1 hr). Dont know why suddenly blackout...(Is it that the power station also want to join in the Earth Day but too late?)
That's i will write for today... See Ya
Saturday, April 4, 2009
3 April this year is the only great year i ever had...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Happy April Fool's Day!!!
Aft recess, we took our biology(bio) book to go to lab when our additional math teacher came, he almost got cheated but when he see us laughing, our plan foiled...
Next, for bio lesson, we gathered all bio book and pass to two pple. They wait for some time b4 moving into the lab. So we are at the lab, and when the bio teacher wanted to scold us, the two pple come with the books. HaHa, what a funny thing we've done.
So for math lesson, we lied to her(teacher) that it's English lesson, poor thing, she dont take the lie... Next, someone changed the time of the clock to a time when the second last bell ring at 1:45pm, the clock will be at 2:10pm(our time to go home). But we do a mistake. we greet the teacher goodbye and the we sit down... HaHa, we should be packing our bags and move out of the class...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What the...CSSP project?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What i am doing from here...

3) must get contact with more friends
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My CT1 results:)
English: C5
MT: B4
Elementary Maths: A1
Additional Maths: A1
Physics: A2
Chemistry: A2
Biology: B3
Com Hist+SS: C6
Miss my school during holiday...
Today i decided to come to school earlier as i miss my school's beautiful scenery. This is what i saw everyday b4 i reached my class. Even though the scene is much more beautiful in the dark(b4 sun rise), this is still my favourite place as it is at 7th storey. I spend time during recess here, sometimes with friends though. by the time the sky is brighter, i have to leave here for the course again(as it is a 2 day one), very sian trip again, but this time, i must pass my test on Home Front Security and Police Knowledge, or not i am going back again...
Finally the course ends, and then go Naked Fish to celebrate for the end of super sian course. Eat too full there and go home kenna scolded by mum(cause i come home only at 8pm...O_O).
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Walao! Stupid course that i attend today
Today go Yusof Ishak Secondary School for Police Knowledge Course. I sat there in total of 7 hrs. Talk to Solomon, Wei Hong and Jia Xin. The whole course super lame and boring. almost sleep but because got test tomoro on Police Knowledge, must continue to wake myself up, more like torturing myself. When the course ends, i was excited that i can go home. Imagine attending the course on Singapore laws, something like that. Learnt a lot of Spore laws.
Walao! Stupid course it is, i still have to go there tomoro
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
NPCC camp for sec 1...