haha, manage to finish all, but i tink i fail my paper 1 alr... cos anyhow do mah...
got finish, but whether i pass or not is another thing... my eng so lian i hoped i can write as well as how low kay hwa write his romantic novels...
spend 55mins on 1st 3 sbq??? then chiong the rest in the end only halfly done...
1d confirm wrong alr): then i think the 2 eassy qns also sux in it...
Finally my phy:
OMG, paper 2 looks easily on the front but then when i work deeper into it, i was... SO DIFFICULT): then my paper 1... I guessed the ans for at most 10 qns, out of the 40 qns in total...
N then will continue my eoy with all the bad comments...):