Finally reach home from STC... didnt take much photos cos they confisated my hp during the camp....
Off to Pulau Ubin(:
This 1 is quite blur, esp mr leong...
gone 4 tresure hunt which we run around the island itself...
at night, played games with my group members(:
I decided not to talk much with my friends then kept talking to the Area 8 cadets...
kenna scolded alot of times cos of our slow speed...
then at night, i didnt sleep a wink...
talked with the sec 2s(westspringean n some random cadets from other sch)
then cher come to chase us back to sleep...
nxt, i come out of my tent again to enjoy the sky, which alot of stars...
tired cos nv sleep
so morning i nv talk, to conserve energy...
then i do everything slowly...
we all did physical training in the morning, n it was a mess...
I always look forward to afternoon, when i can do the rope challenge...
Kinda scared over there, cos i almost fell over alot of times...
n also injured my hand muscles...
then at campfire(night), im chosen to be one of the songleaders...
I was kenna swapped with kirby... i wan to sit n cheer as a audience...
n i did badly over there, cos i not adapted to Area 8 cheers...
Theirs r different from ours...
I was so tired that night i just close my eyes n sleep...
Yes!!! finally the last day...
do games to exercise in the morning, then area-cleaning comes...
keep moving around to help others...
took damn long time(since i kept wishing i was at home...)
then walk from the campsite to jetty... so tiring, wish i was on a van...
finally reached sch b4 noon, n i hav lunch with hong rong at bpp KFC(: