Some times back, i was worrying abt whether the sch will finish the syllabus b4 exam, n if i can conclude all revision b4 the exam arrived... I worried so much that even my friends found more white hair on me...OMG, im getting old from worrying too much...
But one day, i suddenly realised when im not tinking much, i can chiong my revision much better than b4... Since then, i told myself that i must not worry too much, so as not to waste time worrying... I told myself that any other problems i will only face them in future, so i was angry when was told that i nid to go CCA... I decided to take the chances to scold the sec1 cadets abt their beahaviour, meanwhile im just releasing my anger... i became short-tempered these days. but luckily i nv show them in front of my friends...So i must chiong my revision, for the sake of passing my exams n eventually getting the distinctions needed(:
Note:Nadira, i hoped u can find some solutions from ur own problems(: