Supp everyone(: Im now at my buddy's lan shop, which is always closed on christmas eve 4 christmas party...
But now, im waiting 4 all the buddies cos they havnt come yet...
Meanwhile i kept losing my friends in Dota, WTH...
Then i go fb check check...
also nothing...*sigh*
But i was lucky to meet my old buddies again(:
Got a million topics to chat abt, esp abt the suxing education system n the economic crisis...
Lucky i slept in the afternoon, or not i sure cannot make it till midnight...
But luck is not on our side; this is our last meeting le...
Aft that, we will not meet each other again...T_T
But i just wan to say thx u buddies 4 helping me through my troubled years(:
N hope our wishes will come true...