Today got scolded by dad course i continued to sleep even if my mother callin me. Then go to school like 6:50am only, still wan some sleep, but cant la, in school already. The sit in the hall vice-pricipal share his experiences(to me, these are craps), but bo bian, if not listening i can get kenna scolded, or go into sleep. And then today's lessons... super tiring. i tell myself to continue struggling to keep my eyes open, almost fail though. after school spend time with friends in school, then friends gone, talk with a girl and nic ng come disturb. No peace... then go home brother and mother fighting all the time. seeing the same thing happening everyday like...super lame! then need rush so much things, from hw to CCA(need to remember songs for campfire...). Very tired and bad day la...
This happens everyday though...except today is worse off...
wonder when this kind of life ends, a bang or never ending story...
wouldnt be writing for next few days...
See u all next Mon